If I'm not mistaken, this was my 4th photo shoot with this family. They are such a beautiful, happy family. They make each other laugh and the love between them just radiates. It has been an honor watching their kids grow and capturing them at the different stages in their life. I look forward to many years of their smiling faces and contagious laughter...
Could this little guy be any sweeter?! It seems like just yesterday I was photographing him as a sweet newborn...Next up he'll be walking and I'll be chasing after him for some grins and giggles!
Oh, sweet Violet...just 4 days old and so perfect! Every tiny little feature, created just right! What a pleasure to photograph such a sweet, new, tiny and gorgeous little girl. I cannot wait to watch her grow and hopefully capture her many milestones on camera!
Last week I had the honor of photographing a friend of mine, who is 7 months pregnant and looking quite amazing if I do say so myself! She's had a rough pregnancy, but you'd never know it by looking at her. She exudes joy and happiness and definitely has that "pregnancy glow." I'm so excited and anxious to meet her little bundle (Savannah Grace) and capture her first moments on earth in all of her sweet newbornness.
This little guy just does not like having his picture taken. The camera sure likes him though! Look at that face...those little wrinkles...and his overalls-how can you resist?! Eventhough we had another rough shoot, he let me sneak a few good ones in. :) He's such a cutie! I can hardly wait to capture his 6 month smiles and his first steps!
Sweet little Lucas...This little guy did not want his picture taken today. Mom and Dad were telling me what a great baby he is, and that he practically never cries. Unfortunately today was a rough day for him...he wasn't very happy that we were trying to take pictures of him, and therefore the shoot didn't go as easily as planned. Just look at that face though...so precious!